Nashville Bedford Forrest

About Nashville Bedford Forrest:

Nashville Bedford Forrest is a response to Nashville’s most recognizable (at least most notorious) public art work. While this sculpture is a privately owned work, its position along interstate 65 puts it forcibly in the public arena. Over the years, fruitless official discussions have centered on covering up or removing this sculpture and unofficial attempts have been made to deface or even destroy it. Nashville Bedford Forrest is neither an attempt a covering-up nor vandalizing the sculpture. This is a monument forced on the people of Nashville as a cultural symbol. Nashville Bedford Forrest is giving this sculpture to the people of Nashville to do with as they please. By re-creating the work, the public is given the opportunity to use the monument’s structure to produce individual expressive works. These collected works, when taken as whole, become a more accurate expression of the city of Nashville and its people.

This is project is part of a series of works created for a year long artist residency in Nashville Tennessee. For more information, go to Instagram: @nashville_air

-Rocky Horton
Nashville Artist-In-Residence

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